Thursday, April 26, 2012

Subway Series

Animals take the NYC subway

Taking a break from addressing promotional postcards (yes! I have compiled a list
my thoughts turned to animals coming & going on the subway. 
The best thing to keep close by at all times 
is a little Moleskine notebook. If you haven't tried one, you're missing out, really.
The paper is super smooth, perfect for sketching with a pen.
 Back to mailings. This round is predominantly for children's book publishers.
I'm planning to stay positive until one of my characters breaks out, 
however long it takes. The prospect of someone calling me out of the blue 
after receiving a postcard is a fantasy I hold onto dearly. The idea of one or two cards 
making it onto the bulletin board of a few art directors is enough to keep me going!
 For anyone who wants to brush up on their skills, gain some fresh insight or 
sustain motivation, I highly recommend  the Continuing Education program 
at SVA. I recently completed another class there and it's 
always a rich and rewarding experience, 
well, except for that one time ;) 

Hope you have a fabulous weekend, just a day a way :)
xo, A


Margaret said...

This is CRAZY cute!

Unknown said...

Thanks Margaret! You are a wonderful person :))


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