
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

My NEW Website is up!

I have a NEW website - YAY!
I decided to use Squarespace after hearing positive things from other artists, 
plus reading a few build-your-own site comparisons. 
I took advantage of their 2 week free trial to set it up 
and it took about 3 days, working on & off. 
I'm sure it takes less time if you have less images to add. 
Scanning new work and locating older images, slowed me down a bit.
I was drawn to the clean style of their templates and I really wanted
a grid layout, so the viewer can see images clearly at one shot, 
then click to enlarge if interested in seeing it in more detail. 
I had to customize slightly to get that, but it was fairly simple 
once the support team helped me out. I'm currently using Avenue.

A big thank you to Carmen of Carmen Mok Studio also.
We're in an art group on Facebook that was organized after 
taking Lilla Rogers' Mats3A class last spring. It's a great group and 
provides a nice way to ask for advice and share resources with each other.
I like her work and the ease of her site. She answered 
some of my initial questions and I really appreciate it!
Once I heard Marc Maron give a 10% promo code on his Monday wtf podcast,
 I knew it was meant to be, so I went for it :)

My only setback is that the company where my domain is registered 
has not gotten back to me about "mapping/forwarding"
my domain - AllynHoward to squarespace, so for now my site is
It's a temporary issue, but one I must resolve before mailing out 
new promotional cards, obviously.

A refreshed Ruben & Cooper are real happy with their new home.

I wanted to go ahead and share my site with you guys, my friends, 1st anyway!
When you have the time, please take a look. I would love to hear your feedback.
I assume it will all be constructive.
I have a lot of images on there, but I think it's well organized.
There are 7 Gallery pages listed across the top and a link page that brings 
you here, to my blog.
It's pretty easy to navigate.

Melissa Iwai, I entered your name when answering a survey that asked 
who recommended the site. 
I think you were the first to mention Squarespace to me. 
Regardless, I hope you get some kind of credit or prize!! :D

Thanks for stopping by!
Enjoy the rest of your week.
xo, A


  1. It looks fantastic! I love it! Oh hey, and thanks for the mention.! Not sure what benefit I get but I'm sure there is something! Glad it only took you the days. It took me longer but I'm kind of slow at this stuff.....! It was definitely easier than WordPress though!

  2. Thanks Melissa!! There are definitely some options I overlooked in favor of saving time, but I really like it and their support. My domain name is registered with a much less user-friendly co./site :/ Hope I don't have to change name .

  3. Looks great! Congratz on your new website!

  4. Thank you Diana! Appreciate it :)
