I thought I'd start off today with a photo for which I can feel proud.
This is from a commercial I worked on in August.
One of the prop guys took this after I had painted a platform to look like concrete
atop a NYC skyscraper. I was probably trying to decide if I was
ready to have the art director come take a look.
take photos that actually document the work we do.
So often, you get rushed and neglect to consider it, because you're off
to the next thing, especially on commercial sets.
It was a spectacular view and I took plenty of reference pics for my
Floaty, the Hovering Dog. Yes, his story is still in the works, along with others...
Young Amelia studies herself as she tries on her 1st flight jacket
and goggles. Little Bruiser is ready to go!
Little Bruiser gets lost in Amelia's fantasy and ends up in outer space!
Now, for cats!
These were commissioned by Rogue Confections
as chocolate and cupcake toppers.
I think they would make great magnets, pendants & paper weights!
Of course, that's Lena the Cat above.
This is Sadie
This is Sam
This is Mr. Bates, named after
This is Ava
This is the real Lena.
Now, for Small Works...
440 Gallery is accepting submissions for it's annual
Small Works show. These are the 3 paintings I'm currently considering.
The deadline is Nov. 3rd, 2012
Lil Octy : dimensional blip blop painting :
Little Abstract : dimensional blip blop painting :
and onto a few images from my glass door paintings.
I took these with white lining the back to see how they look.
I'd like to incorporate the energetic looseness of these lines
into some of my larger pieces.
deadline to submit work is coming up! Friday, Oct. 26th*
Finally, in honor of getting lost en route to and from jobs in New Jersey
with or without a GPS. This one is for you, Bryon Finn ;D
Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Thanks for stopping by!
week, I apologize. The technical issues were fortunately resolved
and no harm was done to any humans or animals in the process.
xo, A
that cat does look like Mr. Bates!